HCE Project DC service web UI  0.2
Hierarchical Cluster Engine DC service web UI
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1 <?php
2 $this->breadcrumbs=array(
3  'Personal Infos'=>array('index'),
4  $model->pesonal_info_id,
5 );
7 $this->menu=array(
8  array('label'=>'List PersonalInfo','url'=>array('index')),
9  array('label'=>'Create PersonalInfo','url'=>array('create')),
10  array('label'=>'Update PersonalInfo','url'=>array('update','id'=>$model->pesonal_info_id)),
11  array('label'=>'Delete PersonalInfo','url'=>'#','linkOptions'=>array('submit'=>array('delete','id'=>$model->pesonal_info_id),'confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')),
12  array('label'=>'Manage PersonalInfo','url'=>array('admin')),
13 );
14 ?>
16 <h1>View PersonalInfo #<?php echo $model->pesonal_info_id; ?></h1>
18 <?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbDetailView',array(
19  'data'=>$model,
20  'attributes'=>array(
21  'pesonal_info_id',
22  'custom_id',
23  'first_name',
24  'last_name',
25  'phone_home',
26  'phone_work',
27  'phone_mobile',
28  'fax',
29  'email_primary',
30  'email_secondary',
31  'address_1',
32  'address_2',
33  'address_3',
34  'country',
35  'gender',
36  'marital_status',
37  'dob',
38  'date_joined',
39  'date_left',
40  'middle_name',
41  'national_id',
42  'passport_number',
43  'drivers_license',
44  'other_id',
45  'other_id_2',
46  'nationality',
47  'ethnic_race',
48  'smoker',
49  'status',
50  ),
51 )); ?>