Demo Tests Suit for Python language applications ======================================================================= Copyright (c) 2014 IOIX Ukraine, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. About the python language API and applications in the HCE 1.2. Program API description 1.3. Applications implementation description 2. Usage 2.1. Distributed Tasks Manager (DTM) Application demo tests 2.1.1. General description of DTM functional tests 2.1.2. DTM service management admin CLI - DTMA application 2.1.3. DTM service user CLI - DTMC application 2.2. Distributed Crawler (DC) Application demo tests 2.2.1. General description of DC functional tests 2.2.2. DC service management admin CLI - DCA application 2.2.3. DC service user CLI - DCC application 2.2.4. DC service full life cycle functional tests Chapter 1. Introduction ======================= Table of Contents 1.1. About the python language API and applications in the HCE 1.2. Program API description 1.3. Applications implementation description 1.1. About the Python language API and applications in the HCE ============================================================== The HCE project consists on several parts that is related by common API. The core of all applied products is hce-node cluster. This application is native executable and provides support of cluster network infrastructure support as well as basic functionality of Sphinx indexing and DRCE. More detailed description of hce-node see on main project site: More detailed description of DRCE functionality see here: 1.2. Program API description ============================= The Python language API bindings implementation includes some libraries and several end-user applications based on them. Libraries can be structurally subdivided on three levels: transport, application and user. Each of them represents own abstraction and business logic functionality related with core. More detailed description about APIs structure for languages bindings see at: Upper level of APIs for Python represented with end-user applications for target business logic definition. This application uses common API based on zmq MOM transport to interact with core cluster (router and data nodes) and to execute applied operations and requests. Based on main hce-node handlers architecture applications sends messages to the specific handlers instances on cluster entry point (router node) or directly to some data node. The hce-node cluster with some data sharding schema (shard or replica) defines so called Execution Environment (EE). Depends on cluster mode it behaves like balancer or multiplexor of DRCE calls. Both async and sync DRCE tasks used. Sync tasks used to perform parallel simultaneous actions with data nodes that shards data. For example, the same operation with SQL database that is multiplied on several hosts to get productivity advantages. This mode of EE usage supposes replication data mode when each data node has replicated copy of data and DB structure. This type of task supposes that client will wait on response until it will be received or timeout reached. Async tasks used to perform balanced action execution on one of several possible data node to get advantages of resources balancing. This mode can be used in case of replication data mode and shard - when each node has own unique part of data or receives input context with execute task request. This type of task supposes that response will be returned immediately after task created on data node. But task execution can take a long time, and client needs to check task state, request resulted data if task is finished and so on... For more detailed description see DRCE client protocol description: DTS's directories for the Python language APIs: /---- api - APIs directory for all languages bindings | |---- php - APIs bindings for PHP language | `---- python - APIs bindings for Python language | |---- bin - Executable loaders of Python applications | |---- cfg - General bash automation scripts includes cfgs | |---- data - Data directory of Python applications | | |---- dc_dbdata - DC's app key-value database files (per site) | | |---- dc_rdata - DC's app raw data files crawled | | |---- dtm_dbdata - DTM's app key-value database file | | `---- ftests - Data files (jsons) for functional tests | |---- doc - Documentation and manuals files | |---- ftests - Functional tests of all applications | |---- hce - The API and apps implementation modules | | |---- admin - API modules for admin node requests | | |---- algorithms - Common multi-purpose algorithms modules | | |---- app - Common application framework modules | | |---- dbi - Common key-value DB API modules (sqlite) | | |---- dc - DC service business-logic modules | | |---- dcc - User client modules for DC service | | |---- dc_crawler - Crawler app for DC service | | |---- dc_db - SQL database app for DC service | | |---- dc_processor - Processor algorithms (scraper) for DC service | | |---- drce - API modules for hce-node DRCE requests | | |---- dtm - DTM service business-logic modules | | |---- dtma - Admin client modules for DTM and DC | | |---- dtmc - User client modules for DTM service | | |---- ees - Execution Environment simulator | | |---- ftests - Developers functional tests of all modules | | |---- JsonChecker - Common purpose utility to check json cli | | |---- tests - Unit tests of all modules and classes | | `---- transport - API modules of network zmq MOM protocol | |---- ini - Ini, config and db schemas dumps files | |---- log - Logs of all applications | |---- manage - Automation scripts | `---- tests - Developers tests of all applications |---- data - Data directory of hce-node DRCE tasks |---- etc - Additional files for hce-node package |---- log - Log directory for hce-node cluster |---- run - PId's directory for Sphinx searchd instances `---- usr `---- bin - Executable for hce-node package 1.3. Applications implementation description ============================================ Distributed Tasks Manager (DTM) application. -------------------------------------------- This application implements some end-user business-logic of management of DRCE tasks that can be executed by EE with some concrete hce-node cluster schema architecture. Additionally to the core DRCE functionality of hce-node application it defines new high level business-logic objects implemented on the Python language like - the Task object, the Execution Environment, the Scheduler, the Task's object data cache and so on. For more detailed description of the DTM architecture see: and The DTM application is designed as service with internal MOM transport based on zmq library with multi-threaded architecture. It consists on three parts: 1. Service executable runs as Linux daemon. This is main application that implements applied business logic. The name of the starter is "". Application uses several modules from "hce" package. Main module is "dtm". The management automation scripts are:,, and 2. User client application with command line interface runs as utility to execute client-server interaction, request command and get response. All commands are in general applied business logic for regular operations. The name of the starter is: "". The main module is "dtmc". The name of the automation script is "". 3. Admin client application with command line interface. The same as User client application has cli usage. All commands are admin-management, including stop service and get some runtime statistical data. The name of the starter is: "". The main module is "dtma". The name of the automation script that uses it is "". As a part of DTS package archive of hce-node DTM service configured for tests on single-host hce-node cluster n-type. This cluster configuration is main for hce-node package and available for start just after install the DTS environment for PHP language. See more detailed description for management of hce-node clusters n-type and m-type in PHP language binding set: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/doc/readme.txt" Distributed Crawler (DC) application. ------------------------------------- This application implements some end-user business-logic of web-sites crawling and processing of raw http resources data. It uses objects of main business logic like the Site, the URL, the HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, Tag, Content, raw data and actions like crawling, scanning, downloading, scraping and so on. Resources downloaded from web-sites are stored in several different storages locally on DRCE cluster hosts and available via common API. The application architecture is service, client-user interaction uses MOM zmq-based transport and networking. The DC service is depends from DTM service and uses it as main crawling process management service. So, it requires that DTM service present and operable before DC service started. For more detailed description of the DC architecture see: and The DC application is designed as service with internal MOM transport based on zmq library with multi-threaded architecture. It consists on three parts: 1. Service executable runs as Linux daemon. This is main application that implements applied business logic. The name of the starter is "". Application uses several modules from "hce" package. Main module is "dc". The management automation scripts are:,, and 2. User client application with command line interface runs as utility to execute client-server interaction, request command and get response. All commands are in general applied business logic for regular operations. The name of the starter is: "". The main module is "dcc". The name of the automation script is "". 3. For management used the same as for DTM service - admin client application "". The name of the automation script that uses it is "". As a part of DTS package archive of hce-node DC service configured for tests on single-host hce-node cluster m-type. This cluster configuration is additional for hce-node package and available for start after switch of current configuration for hce-node management automation scripts. To switch automation scripts to use m-type cluster use command: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/ m" To check current configuration active use command: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/" To help to start and to manage both clusters in one use: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/" "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/" "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/" "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage/" See more detailed description for management of hce-node clusters m-type in PHP language binding set: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/doc/readme.txt" Main modules are located at "~hce-node-bundle/api/python/hce". Starter modules are located at "~hce-node-bundle/api/python/bin". Automation scripts are located at: "~hce-node-bundle/api/python/manage". Chapter 2. Usage ================ Table of Contents 2.1. Distributed Tasks Manager (DTM) Application demo tests 2.1.1. General description of DTM functional tests 2.1.2. DTM service management admin CLI - DTMA application 2.1.3. DTM service user CLI - DTMC application 2.2. Distributed Crawler (DC) Application demo tests 2.2.1. General description of DC functional tests 2.2.2. DC service management admin CLI - DCA application 2.2.3. DC service user CLI - DCC application 2.2.4. DC service full life cycle functional tests 2.1.1. General description of DTM functional tests ================================================== The DTM functional tests supposes execution all basic operations in set of different chains and check results uses regular "n-type" hce-node cluster. To start tests execute: NEW_CHECK_DELETE_CHECK, NEW_CHECK_FETCH_DELETE_CHECK and NEW_DELETE_CHECK scripts. The DTM service used by DC service and most of general functionality performs tests thia way. 2.1.2. DTM service management admin CLI - DTMA application ========================================================== The service management utility uses MOM zmq-based network protocol to interact with server side, make request and get response. It uses some input data that is specific for concrete operation. The data format is "json". Most of jsons are represents the Python objects used inside of applications. All that objects are defined in the "" module and can be serialized to json string format. More detailed description of commands see in the: "DTMAdmin" section. All parameters that are required to interact with server side like IP address, port, timeouts and so on defined in the configuration file "dtm-admin.ini" located in the "ini" directory. Most usable command is stop DTM service. Example of usage: --config=../ini/dtm-admin.ini --cmd=STOP By default, all settings are configured for localhost usage. The main test usage inside DTS environment for the Python language supposes that executable are located in the "bin" directory, management automation scripts - in the "manage" directory developers functional tests - in the "tests" directory and general business logic functional tests - in the "ftests" directory. 2.1.3. DTM service user CLI - DTMC application ============================================== 2.2.1. General description of DC functional tests ================================================= The DC service general business logic tests performs all life-cycle actions states and operations and supposes implication of all algorithms and dependent modules. Distributed Crawler architecture supposes that service subdivided on three architectural parts that are located and executed different way: 1. The service business logic code, located on single host and executed until service not stopped. It implements key functionality like crawling batches creation, planning, periodical processing, synchronizing and so on. All about web-crawling management but nothing about crawling actions like HTTP requests, TCP connections to the web-servers and so on... 2. Crawler processing code, located on hce-node cluster n-type nodes and executed as the DRCE asynk task managed by DTM service. Crawler task implemented in the "dc_crawler" module. Starter file is "". This module acts as self-sufficient cli application. It process stdin stream that need to be pickl-ed batch object. The batch object is a container of URLs that crawler processes and stores results in the local file system storage. The crawler task is chained with processing task and from point of view of DTM service task represents one executable unit. The processing task application has the same architecture, also it is cli application that processes the batch as an input data for stdin. The processing module now implemented as scraper algorithms. It processes raw html, rss or another kind resource downloaded from the web-server. Results of processing stored in the key-value DB (sqlite) hosted on the same local host. Processing algorithms are located in the "dc_processor" module. Starter files are "" and "". Also, crawler and processor modules uses SQL DB mysql to store some data of sites and urls. 3. Storages management code, located on the hce-node cluster m-type nodes and executed as the DRCE synk task managed by DC service. This module implementation located in "dc_db" directory and starter file is the "". This module code performs different actions and requests to manage the data structures in the file storage, key-value db and SQL db. Also, it implements some main business logic operations like create, update and delete object's data for Site and URL, as well as selection, fetching and so on operations with db. Functional tests uses all of that compounds and modules to perform full simulation of real life cycle of web-site crawling. Also, local host web-server need to be installed and started to preform elementary crawling actions from "" URL. The several static html pages for this test site located in the "~hce-node-bundle/api/python/data/ftests/test_site" directory. More complex test supposes usage dynamic site with random generated pages. Also, any kind of regular external real site can be used too. To start the functional tests change current directory to: "~hce-node-bundle/api/python/ftests" It contains this automation scripts:,, and The starter is "". Before start ensure that hce-node clusters n-type and m-type are started and in active state. To start n-type cluster just after hce-node package installed and dependent packages and libraries for PHP language are installed too - just run the "" from directory: "~/hce-node-bundle/api/php/manage". If all is okay and cluster started - you will see ASCII representation of the schema of started cluster. To get some status and json representation of nodes configuration - run the "". To stop cluster and all its nodes - run the "" script. To manage the m-type cluster configuration of management scripts must be changed. Edit the configuration file "" as it was described in section 1.3 "Distributed Crawler (DC) application." of this manual. Then, after cluster management scripts configuration will be switched to m-type cluster all automation scripts will work with this cluster instance until switched back. For each test all data structures including DTM's db, DC's file and db storages located on localhost will be cleared, all raw contents crawled before will be deleted. Also, each start of tests starts DTM and DC services and stops them after test finished. But both hce-node clusters n-type and m-type stays run. All actions are logged in the log directory with log file name related with the name of executable starter, for example: crawler-task.log, db_task.log, dc-admin.log, dc-client.log, dc-daemon.log and so on. Functional tests automation script's log uses the same principles. 2.2.2. DC service management admin CLI - DCA application ======================================================== 2.2.3. DC service user CLI - DCC application ============================================ 2.2.4. DC service full life cycle functional tests ================================================= to be continued...