HCE Project Python language Distributed Tasks Manager Application, Distributed Crawler Application and client API bindings.  2.0.0-chaika
Hierarchical Cluster Engine Python language binding
DCD.py File Reference

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class  dc.DCD.DCD
class  dc.DCD.DCD.Meta




string dc.DCD.APP_NAME = "dc"
string dc.DCD.START_APP_LOG_MSG = "Start dc daemon."
string dc.DCD.STOP_APP_LOG_MSG = "Stop dc daemon."
string dc.DCD.PID_FILE = "../../../run/dc-daemon.pid"
string dc.DCD.APP_CONFIG_FILE = "../ini/dc-daemon.ini"
string dc.DCD.LOG_CONFIG_FILE = "../ini/dc-daemon_log.ini"
string dc.DCD.LOG_MSG_START_APP = "dc-daemon start"
string dc.DCD.LOG_MSG_CLOSE_APP = "Close dc daemon app"
string dc.DCD.ERR_MSG_CLOSE_APP = "Error close dc daemon app"
string dc.DCD.ERROR_LOAD_LOG_CONFIG_FILE = "Error loading logging config file. Exiting."
string dc.DCD.ERROR_LOAD_CONFIG = "Error loading config file. Exciting."