HCE Project Python language Distributed Tasks Manager Application, Distributed Crawler Application and client API bindings.  2.0.0-chaika
Hierarchical Cluster Engine Python language binding
Constants.py File Reference

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string dcc.Constants.APP_NAME = "dcc"
string dcc.Constants.HELP_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = "Available commands are: "
string dcc.Constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME1 = "./dtmc.ini"
string dcc.Constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME2 = "/ect/dtmc.ini"
int dcc.Constants.TCP_TIMEOUT = 10000
string dcc.Constants.TCP_TIMEOUT_CONFIG_NAME = "timeout"
string dcc.Constants.DTM_HOST = "clientHost"
string dcc.Constants.DTM_PORT = "clientPort"
string dcc.Constants.LOG_CONFIG_SECTION_NAME = "Application"
string dcc.Constants.LOG_CONFIG_OPTION_NAME = "log"
string dcc.Constants.COOKIE_MERGE_NAME = "MERGE_RESULTS"
list dcc.Constants.TASKS
list dcc.Constants.TASKS_OBJECTS
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR1 = "Not present [--help] or [--command] mandatory args"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR2 = "Absent [--file] or [--fields] arg with [--commands] arg"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR3 = "[--command] arg's value not present in value's list"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR4 = "[--file] wrong filename"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR5 = "Wrong JSON format"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR6 = "DCC exception msg={0}"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR7 = "Network communicate timeout={0} mls"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR8 = "Wrong Response eventObject type for {0} must be {1}"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR9 = "Can't open config file, required argument --config=<config_file_name>"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR10 = "Can't find log-ini section in config file"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR11 = "Error while log initialize"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR12 = "Connection error"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR13 = "JSON serialize error"
string dcc.Constants.ERROR_STR14 = "Object instance creation error"
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_NOERROR = 0
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_CONFIG_SECTION = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_ARGS1 = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_ARGS2 = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_BAD_TASK = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_NO_CONFIG = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_BAD_FILE_NAME = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_BAD_JSON = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_DCC = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_NETWORK = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_WRONG_RESPONSE = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_LOG_SECTION_ERROR = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_LOG_INIT = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION = 1
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_EXCEPTION = 3
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_JSON = 2
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_OBJECT_CREATE = 4
int dcc.Constants.ERROR_INITIALIZATION = 5
string dcc.Constants.FILE_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE = "file://"
int dcc.Constants.OBJECT_MAX_INIT_ARGUMENTS = 10