Variables |
const char | HCE::sphinx::message_const::delimiter = ':' |
const char | HCE::sphinx::message_const::space = ' ' |
const char | HCE::sphinx::message_const::point = '.' |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::loadConfigSuccess = "LOAD CONFIG SUCCESS" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::host = "HOST" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::port = "PORT" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::index = "INDEX" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fileNotFound = "File not found" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fileNotOpen = "File not open" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdMaxMatches = "SEARCHD MAX MATCHES" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::schemaNamesSize = "SCHEMA NAMES SIZE" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::attributesCount = "ATTRIBUTES COUNT" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::emptyListOfindexFiles = "Empty list of index files" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::loadConfigFail = "LOAD CONFIG FAIL" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::emptyResultData = "Empty result data" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::incorrectJSONType = "Incorrect JSON type" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::error = "Error" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorMsg = "ErrorMsg" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorCode = "ErrorCode" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::serializeOutputJsonMessage = "Serialize OutputJsonMessage" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::generateDefaultJSON = "Generate default JSON" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::tryMakeIndexCommand = "TRY MAKE INDEX COMMAND" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::documentContentIsEmpty = "Document content is empty" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::indexName = "INDEX NAME" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeIndexCommandSuccess = "!!! MAKE INDEX COMMAND SUCCESS !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::tryMakeAdminCommand = "TRY MAKE ADMIN COMMAND" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::receivedEmptyCommandString = "Received empty command string" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::unknownCommand = "Unknown command" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeAdminCommandSuccess = "!!! MAKE ADMIN COMMAND SUCCESS !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::failedToCreateClient = "Failed to create client" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::startSearchdReadConfig = "startSearchd read config" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::waitStartSearchd = "!!! WAIT START SEARCHD !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::startSearchdFail = "Start searchd fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::tryEasyStart = "TRY EASY START" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::waitStopSearchd = "!!! WAIT STOP SEARCHD !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::stopSearchd = "STOP SEARCHD" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::invalidClientHandle = "Invalid client handle" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::invalidFilter = "Invalid filter" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::addFilter = "Add filter" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::invalidRangeOfFilter = "Invalid range of filter" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::unknownFilterType = "Unknown filter type" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::serverHostIsEmpty = "Server host is empty" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::serverPortIsNull = "Server port is null" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::setServerSuccess = "!!! SET SERVER SUCCESS !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::openConnectionError = "Open connection error" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::easyStartSuccess = "!!! EASY START SUCCESS !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::easyStartFallen = "!!! EASY START FALLEN !!!" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fieldAlreadyExist = "Field already exist" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fieldNotFound = "Field not found" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::indexAlreadyExist = "Index already exist" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::indexNotFound = "Index not found" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::notFoundInConfig = "NOT FOUND IN CONFIG" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::listOfIndexesIsEmpty = "List of indexes is empty, check initialization" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdError = "SEARCHD ERROR" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdWarning = "SEARCHD WARNING" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdStoppedPidFileExist = "Searchd stopped. Pid file exist = " |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdStoppedButPidFileExist = "Searchd stoped but pid file exist" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::searchdNotActivity = "Searchd not activity" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fieldNotFoundInCurrentSchema = "Field not found in current schema" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::gettingParametersFail = "Getting parameters fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorCleanDir = "ERROR CLEAN DIR" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::foundIndexFile = "FOUND INDEX FILE" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::removeIndexFile = "REMOVE INDEX FILE" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::removeFileFail = "Remove file fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::openDirFail = "Open dir fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorGetFileList = "ERROR GET FILE LIST" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorGetIndexList = "ERROR GET INDEX LIST" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::emptyDataDir = "Empty data dir" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::tryOpenFileFail = "Try open file fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::tryUseAsDirectoryWasCanceled = "Try use as directory was canceled..." |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::closeDirFail = "Close dir fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::foundFreeAllowedPort = "FOUND FREE ALLOWED PORT" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorGetFreeAllowedPort = "ERROR GET FREE ALLOWED PORT" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::errorMakeConfig = "ERROR MAKE CONFIG" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeDirFail = "Make dir fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::dontCreatedDir = "Don't created directory" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::folderNotExist = "Forder not exist" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::fileNotExist = "File not exist" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::invalidDataContent = "Invalid data content" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::invalidSchemaContent = "Invalid schema content" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::commandLine = "COMMAND LINE" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::indexationFail = "Indexation fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::badBranchName = "Bad branch name" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeSourceFail = "Make source fail" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeSource = "MAKE SOURCE" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::makeIndex = "MAKE INDEX" |
const std::string | HCE::sphinx::message_const::receivedEmptyListOfBranches = "Received empty list of branches" |
const std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, std::string > > | HCE::sphinx::message_const::messages |