HCE Project DC service web UI  0.2
Hierarchical Cluster Engine DC service web UI
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1 <?php
2 /* @var $this SitesViewController */
4 $this->breadcrumbs=array(
5  'Sites View',
6 );
7 ?>
9 <?php
10 $form = $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm',array(
11  'id' => 'SearchFilter',
12  'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'well'),
13  'action' => Yii::app()->createUrl('SitesView/find'),
14  'method'=>'get')
15 );
16 ?>
17 Limit
18 <?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('limit','10',array('10'=>'10',
19  '20'=>'20',
20  '30'=>'30',
21  '40'=>'40',
22  '50'=>'50',
23  '60'=>'60',
24  '70'=>'70',
25  '80'=>'80',
26  '90'=>'90',
27  '100'=>'100',
28  ));?>
29 Pattern
30 <?php echo CHtml::textField('pattern');?>
31 UID
32 <?php echo CHtml::textField('uid');?>
33 <?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Submit');?>
35 <?php
36 $this->endWidget();
37 unset($form);
38 ?>
39 </div>
40 <?php
41 $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
42  'id' => 'itemGrid',
43  'dataProvider' => $itemsProvider,
44  'enablePagination' => true,
45  'columns' => array(
46  array(
47  'name' => 'ID',
48  'value' => '$data["id"]',
49  'sortable' => true,
50  'filter' => false,
51  ),
52  array(
53  'name' => 'URLs',
54  'type' => 'raw',
55  'value' => '$data["urls"]'
56  ),
57  array(
58  'name' => 'Resources',
59  'value' => '$data["resources"]'
60  ),
61  array(
62  'name' => 'Contents',
63  'value' => '$data["contents"]'
64  ),
65  )
66 ));
67 ?>