HCE Project DC service web UI  0.2
Hierarchical Cluster Engine DC service web UI
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1 <?php
2 /* @var $this SitesViewController */
4 $this->breadcrumbs=array(
5  'Sites',
6 );
7 $this->renderPartial('_filterForm', array(
8  'pattern'=>$pattern,
9  'uid'=>$uid,
10  'limit'=>$limit,
11  'page'=>$page,
12  'state'=>$state,
13  'sortBy'=>$sortBy,
14  'sortDirection'=>$sortDirection,
15  'isResult'=>isset($itemsProvider->rawData[0])
16  )
17 );
18 $emptyText = '<img src="/images/oops.png"><h4>Oops! Nothing found... Please, try again!</h4>';
19 $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
20  'id' => 'itemGrid',
21  'summaryText' => '',
22  'dataProvider' => $itemsProvider,
23  'enablePagination' => true,
24  'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'gr-s-sl-main'),
25  'emptyText' => $emptyText,
26  'columns' => array(
27  array(
28  'name' => 'nn',
29  'header' => '#',
30  'value' => '$row+1',
31  'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'lefted'),
32  ),
33  array(
34  'name' => 'Site ID',
35  'value' => '$data["id"]',
36  'sortable' => true,
37  'filter' => false,
38  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'lefted'),
39  ),
40  array(
41  'name' => 'Description',
42  'value' => '$data["description"]',
43  'sortable' => true,
44  'filter' => false,
45  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'lefted'),
46  ),
47  array(
48  'name' => 'Root URLs',
49  'type' => 'raw',
50  'value' => '"<div class=\"slideList\">".$data["urls_act"]."</div>"',
51  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'lefted hide-switch', 'data-title'=>'Click here to see more root URLs (if exists)'),
52  ),
53  array(
54  'name' => 'State',
55  'value' => '$data["state_str"]',
56  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'lefted'),
57  ),
58  array(
59  'name' => 'Resources',
60  'value' => '$data["resources"]',
61  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
62  ),
63  array(
64  'name' => 'Contents',
65  'value' => '$data["contents"]',
66  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
67  ),
68  array(
69  'name' => 'Collected',
70  'value' => '$data["collectedURLs"]',
71  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
72  ),
73  array(
74  'name' => 'New',
75  'value' => '$data["newURLs"]',
76  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
77  ),
78  array(
79  'name' => 'Deleted',
80  'value' => '$data["deletedURLs"]',
81  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
82  ),
83  array(
84  'name' => 'Size',
85  'value' => '$data["size"]',
86  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
87  ),
88  array(
89  'name' => 'Errors',
90  'value' => '$data["errors"]',
91  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
92  ),
93  array(
94  'name' => 'Iterations',
95  'value' => '$data["iterations"]',
96  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
97  ),
98  array(
99  'name' => 'Re-crawl date',
100  'value' => '$data["recrawlDate"]',
101  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'lefted'),
102  ),
103  array(
104  'name' => 'Recrawl period',
105  'value' => '$data["recrawlPeriod"]',
106  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
107  ),
108  array(
109  'name' => 'Priority',
110  'value' => '$data["priority"]',
111  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'righted'),
112  ),
114  array(
115  'class'=>'CButtonColumn',
116  'template'=>'<div class = "bttn-block">{View}{resources}{cleanup}{recrawl}{Delete}</div>',
117  'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'bttn-clmn'),
118  'buttons'=>array(
119  'View' => array(
120  'label'=>'V',
121  'url'=> 'Yii::app()->createUrl("SitesView/findSingle", array("siteId"=>$data["id"]))',
122  'options'=>array(
123  'class'=>'act-btn',
124  'target'=>'_blank',
125  'title'=>'View/Edit'
126  ),
127  ),
128  'resources' => array(
129  'label'=>'R',
130  'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("UrlsView/find", array(
131  "form[siteId]"=>$data["id"],
132  "form[status]"=>"",
133  "form[limit]"=>10,
134  "form[sortBy]"=>\'UDate\',
135  "form[sortDirection]"=>\'DESC\',
136  "form[pN]"=>1
137  )
138  )',
139  'options'=>array(
140  'class'=>'act-btn',
141  'target'=>'_blank',
142  'title'=>'Show Resources',
143  ),
144  ),
145  'cleanup' => array(
146  'label'=>'C',
147  'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("SiteCleanup/index", array("siteId"=>$data["id"]))',
148  'options'=>array(
149  'class'=>'act-btn',
150  'title'=>'Cleanup',
151  'ajax' => array(
152  'type' => 'post',
153  'url'=>'js:$(this).attr("href")',
154  'success' => 'js:function(data) {
155  $("#cleanup-dialog").remove();
156  $("body").append(data);
157  }'
158  ),
159  ),
160  ),
161  'recrawl' => array(
162  'label'=>'Rc',
163  'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("SiteRecrawl/index", array("siteId"=>$data["id"], "iterations"=>$data["iterations"]))',
164  'options'=>array(
165  'class'=>'act-btn',
166  'title'=>'Re-crawl',
167  'ajax' => array(
168  'type' => 'post',
169  'url'=>'js:$(this).attr("href")',
170  'success' => 'js:function(data) {
171  $("#recrawl-dialog").remove();
172  $("body").append(data);
173  }'
174  ),
175  ),
176  ),
177  'Delete' => array(
178  'label'=>'D',
179  'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("SiteDelete/index", array("siteId"=>$data["id"], "state"=>$data["state"]))',
180  'options'=>array(
181  'class'=>'act-btn',
182  'title'=>'Delete',
183  'ajax' => array(
184  'type' => 'post',
185  'url'=>'js:$(this).attr("href")',
186  'success' => 'js:function(data) {
187  $("#delete-dialog").remove();
188  $("body").append(data);
189  }'
190  ),
191  ),
192  ),
193  ),
194  ),
195  ),
196  )
197 );