HCE Project DC service web UI  0.2
Hierarchical Cluster Engine DC service web UI
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1 <?php
16 return array(
17  ':name assigned.' => ':name 已指派',
18  ':name created.' => ':name 已创建',
19  ':name deleted.' => ':name 已删除',
20  ':name module' => ':name 模块',
21  ':name revoked.' => ':name 已撤销',
22  ':name updated.' => ':name 已更新',
23  'A descriptive name for this item.' => '对这个授权项的描述',
24  'Add' => '添加',
25  'Add Child' => '添加子项',
26  'Additional data available when executing the business rule.' => '执行这个业务逻辑所需的数据',
27  'An item with this name already exists.' => '已存在一个同名的授权项',
28  'Application' => '应用程序',
29  'Are you sure you want to delete this item?' => '您确定要删除该授权项吗?',
30  'Are you sure you want to delete this operation?' => '您确定要删除该操作吗?',
31  'Are you sure you want to delete this role?' => '您确定要删除该角色吗?',
32  'Are you sure you want to delete this task?' => '您确定要删除该任务吗?',
33  'Assign' => '指派',
34  'Assign item' => '指派授权项',
35  'Assigned items' => '已指派的授权项',
36  'Assignments' => '授权',
37  'Assignments for :username' => '对 :username 的授权',
38  'Authorization item' => '',
39  'Authorization items created.' => '',
40  'Business rule' => '业务规则',
41  'Business rule cannot be empty.' => '业务规则不能为空',
42  'Child :name added.' => '子项 :name 已添加',
43  'Child :name removed.' => '子项 :name 已删除',
44  'Children' => '子项',
45  'Code that will be executed when performing access checking.' => '访问检查时这些代码将被执行',
46  'Create :type' => '创建 :type',
47  'Create a new operation' => '创建一个新操作',
48  'Create a new role' => '创建一个新角色',
49  'Create a new task' => '创建一个新任务',
50  'Data' => '数据',
51  'Delete' => '删除',
52  'Description' => '描述',
53  'Do not change the name unless you know what you are doing.' => '不要修改这个名字,除非你知道你在做什么。',
54  'Generate' => '生成',
55  'Generator' => '生成器',
56  'Hover to see from where the permission is inherited.' => '悬停以查看从何处继承该权限。',
57  'Inherited' => '继承的',
58  'Invalid authorization item type.' => '无效的授权项类型。',
59  'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.' => '无效请求,请不要重复这次请求。',
60  'Item' => '项目',
61  'Modules' => '模块',
62  'Name' => '名称',
63  'Name of the superuser cannot be changed.' => '超级用户的名字不能修改。',
64  'No actions found.' => '没有找到任何动作。',
65  'No assignments available to be assigned to this user.' => '没有可用的指派可以授权给这个用户。',
66  'No authorization items found.' => '没有找到授权项。',
67  'No children available to be added to this item.' => '对这个项目没有可添加的子项。',
68  'No operations found.' => '没有找到任何操作。',
69  'No relations need to be set for the superuser role.' => '无需为超级用户设置关系。',
70  'No roles found.' => '没有找到任何角色。',
71  'No tasks found.' => '没有找到任何任务。',
72  'No users found.' => '没有找到任何用户。',
73  'Operation' => '操作',
74  'Operations' => '操作',
75  'Parents' => '父项',
76  'Permissions' => '权限',
77  'Please select which items you wish to generate.' => '请选择您要生成的项目。',
78  'Relations' => '关系',
79  'Remove' => '删除',
80  'Revoke' => '撤销',
81  'Role' => '角色',
82  'Roles' => '角色',
83  'Save' => '保存',
84  'Select all' => '全选',
85  'Select none' => '不选',
86  'Super users are always granted access implicitly.' => '超级用户总是被授予完全许可。',
87  'Task' => '任务',
88  'Tasks' => '任务',
89  'The requested page does not exist.' => '请求的页面不存在。',
90  'This item has no children.' => '这个项目没有子项。',
91  'This item has no parents.' => '这个项目没有父项。',
92  'This user has not been assigned any items.' => '这个用户没有被指派任何授权项。',
93  'Type' => '类型',
94  'Update :name (:type)' => '更新 :name (:type)',
95  'Values within square brackets tell how many children each item has.' => '括号里的数字表示这个项目有多少个子项。',
96  'You are not authorized to perform this action.' => '您没有被授权执行该操作。',
97 );