hce-node application
HCE Hierarchical Cluster Engine node application
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | HCE::handlers::DefaultReducerResponseItem |
Namespaces | |
namespace | HCE |
< HCE::ServerApplication provides global variable 'HCE::database::Session' which initializes in function 'HCE::ServerApplication::initializeDataBaseSession()' | |
namespace | HCE::handlers |
namespace | HCE::handlers::properties |
Variables | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARTBEAT_DELAY = 15000 |
<Delay intervals | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 60000 |
Heartbeat messages sent period interval, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::LOG_STATISTIC_PERIOD = 30000 |
Statistics log interval, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::RECONNECT_INTERVAL_INIT = 10000 |
Initial reconnect period, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::RECONNECR_INTERVAL_MAX = 30000 |
Max reconnect period that can be reached during an exponential backoff. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::POLL_TIMEOUT = HEARTBEAT_DELAY/2 |
POLL timeout of main sockets polling in handlers, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::STAT_INTERVAL = 60000 |
Stat logging action period interval, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::PROPERTY_INTERVAL = 10000 |
Interval between resend PROPERTY values from Handles to Admin class. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::DUMP_INTERVAL = 3600*1000 |
Interval between dumps run-time variables. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::MIN_ALLOWED_HEARTBEAT_DELAY = 5000 |
Min allowed delay receiving of heartbeat messages from client, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::MIN_ALLOWED_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 5000 |
Min allowed heartbeat messages sent period interval, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::MIN_ALLOWED_POLL_TIMEOUT = 5000 |
Min allowed POLL timeout of main sockets polling in handlers, msec. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::MIN_ALLOWED_PROPERTY_INTERVAL = 5000 |
Min allowed interval between resend PROPERTY values from Handles to Admin class. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::MIN_ALLOWED_DUMP_INTERVAL = 5000 |
Min allowed interval between dump run-time variables. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARBEAT_MODE_FIXED_TIME = 0 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARBEAT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_AFTER_HB = 1 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARBEAT_MODE_MIXED = 2 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARBEAT_MODE_ADAPTIVE = 3 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::HEARBEAT_MODE_DEFAULT = HEARBEAT_MODE_FIXED_TIME |
Data processing and shard model modes. | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_PROXY = 0 |
Multicast requests balancing (supposes proportional sharding of documents as sharding model) | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_SHARD = 1 |
Round robin requests balancing (supposes mirroring of data documents as sharding model) | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_DATA = 2 |
Node in data mode, i.e. - end of chain in cluster tree. | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_ROUTER = 3 |
Multicast requests balancing. | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_SHARD_RND = 4 |
Random single-cast balancing. | |
const unsigned char | HCE::handlers::NODE_MODE_SHARD_RU = 5 |
Resources usage balancing (supposes choose of data node based resources usage) | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DATA_MIN_FIELDS = 2 |
Minimal fields number to treat message as valid data message. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_CMD_MIN_FIELDS = 1 |
Minimal fields number to treat message as command (heartbit, ready and another node states) | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_NONE = 0 |
A none error. In the application turn off any log. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_FATAL = 1 |
A fatal error. The application will most likely terminate. This is the highest priority. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_CRITICAL = 2 |
A critical error. The application might not be able to continue running successfully. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_ERROR = 3 |
An error. An operation did not complete successfully, but the application as a whole is not affected. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_WARNING = 4 |
A warning. An operation completed with an unexpected result. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_NOTICE = 5 |
A notice, which is an information with just a higher priority. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_INFORMATION = 6 |
An informational message, usually denoting the successful completion of an operation. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_DEBUG = 7 |
A debugging message. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_TRACE = 8 |
A tracing message. This is the lowest priority. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_MODE_DEFAULT = NODE_LOG_MODE_INFORMATION |
Log mode default to enable logging all modes. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_EXIT_CODE_GENERAL_CRITICAL_ERROR = 1 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_EXIT_CODE_SPHINX_CRITICAL_ERROR = 2 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_EXIT_CODE_DRCE_CRITICAL_ERROR = 3 |
Connection delays and intervals. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_CONNECTION_REBUILD_DELAY_DEFAULT = 60000 |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_CONNECTION_REBUILD_MAX_TRIES = 100 |
const char | HCE::handlers::NODE_ROUTER_MSG_DELIMITER = '@' |
<Message structure signatures | |
const char | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_COMMAND_DELIMITER = 0x09 |
':'; | |
const char | HCE::handlers::NODE_JSON_BEGIN_CHAR = '{' |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_JSON_EMPTY_DEFAULT = "{}" |
const char | HCE::handlers::ROUTE_TABLE_MSG_TITLE_DELIMITER = ':' |
const char | HCE::handlers::ROUTE_LIST_NAMES_DELIMITER = ',' |
const char | HCE::handlers::ROUTE_LIST_COUNT_DELIMITER = ':' |
const char | HCE::handlers::HEARTBEAT_MSG_DELIMITER = ':' |
const char | HCE::handlers::PROPERTY_MSG_DELIMITER = ':' |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::HEARTBEAT_JSON_RESOURCES = "resources" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::HEARTBEAT_JSON_ROUTES = "routes" |
const char | HCE::handlers::NODE_INI_FILE_PATH_START_CHAR = '/' |
const char | HCE::handlers::NODE_INI_FILE_PATH_DELIMITER_CHAR = '/' |
Data modes. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_DATA_PROCESSING_MODE_NORMAL = 0 |
Regular data processing supposes to involve FO call(s) | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_DATA_PROCESSING_MODE_SIMULATE = 1 |
Simulation that avoid natural FO call(s) and to use auto-generated results to return. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::ZMQ_PROTOCOL_PREFIX_TCP = "tcp://" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::ZMQ_PROTOCOL_PREFIX_INPROC = "inproc://" |
Internal connection strings. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CS_INPROC_ADMIN = "inproc_admin" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CS_INPROC_PROXY = "inproc_proxy" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CS_INPROC_DATA = "inproc_data" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CS_INPROC_REDUCER_OUT = "inproc_reducer_out" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CS_INPROC_REDUCER_IN = "inproc_reducer_in" |
General handlers command messages. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_READY = "READY" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_HEARTBEAT = "HEARTBEAT" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_BYE = "BYE" |
Admin handlers command messages supported by all handlers via parent. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_ECHO = "ECHO" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_LOG_LEVEL_SET = "LLSET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_LOG_LEVEL_GET = "LLGET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_HEARTBEAT_DELAY_SET = "HEARTBEAT_DELAY_SET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_HEARTBEAT_DELAY_GET = "HEARTBEAT_DELAY_GET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_HEARTBEAT_MODE_SET = "HEARTBEAT_MODE_SET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_HEARTBEAT_MODE_GET = "HEARTBEAT_MODE_GET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_POLL_TIMEOUT_SET = "POLL_TIMEOUT_SET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_POLL_TIMEOUT_GET = "POLL_TIMEOUT_GET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DUMP_INTERVAL_SET = "DUMP_INTERVAL_SET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DUMP_INTERVAL_GET = "DUMP_INTERVAL_GET" |
Admin handlers command messages supported by specific handler depends on command. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_STAT = "STAT" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_TIME = "TIME" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_PROPERTIES = "PROPERTIES" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_rebuildServerConnection = "rebuildServerConnection" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_UPDATE_SCHEMA = "UPDATE_SCHEMA" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_SPHINX = "SPHINX" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE = "DRCE" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_SET_HOST = "DRCE_SET_HOST" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_GET_HOST = "DRCE_GET_HOST" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_SET_PORT = "DRCE_SET_PORT" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_GET_PORT = "DRCE_GET_PORT" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_GET_TASKS = "DRCE_GET_TASKS" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_DRCE_GET_TASKS_INFO = "DRCE_GET_TASKS_INFO" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_ROUTES = "NODE_ROUTES" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_RESOURCE_USAGE = "NODE_RESOURCE_USAGE" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_MANAGER_MODE_SET = "MMSET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_MANAGER_MODE_GET = "MMGET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_MANAGER_PURGE_MODE_SET = "MPMSET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_MANAGER_PURGE_MODE_GET = "MPMGET" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_MSG_STOP = "STOP" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_WRONG_FORMAT = "Wrong admin message format, expected string - DESTINATION_IDENTITY:COMMAND_NAME:PARAMETERS, or destination admin handler not found" |
<Error messages | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND = "REDEFINED admin command handler - unsupported admin command!" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND = "Handler not found or not connected to inproc admin server" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CC_REBUILD = "Client connection rebuild not supported for handler " |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_OK = "OK" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_ERROR = "ERROR" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_MAIN_MSG_LOOP_STARTED = "Main messages loop started" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_ERROR_MAIN_MSG_LOOP_STOPPED = "Main messages loop stopped" |
Internal handler names. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_HANDLER = "Admin" |
Functional object Sphinx errors. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_SPHINX = "SPHINX_FO_ERR" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_SPHINX_ADMIN_JSON_MSG = "{\"error_code\":\"1\", \"error_message\": \"Sphinx FO error\", \"data\":\"ERROR\", \"time\":\"-1\"}" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_SPHINX_INTERNAL_LOG_BEGIN = "\n!!!SPHINXFO!!![\n" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_SPHINX_INTERNAL_LOG_END = "\n]!!!SPHINXFO!!!\n" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_CRITICAL_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Critical error, can't continue, execution aborted!" |
Functional object Sphinx defaults. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = "hce-node-bundle" |
const bool | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_SPHINX_NOT_START_SEARCHD = false |
const bool | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_SPHINX_NOT_STOP_SEARCHD = false |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_SPHINX_RANKER_0 = 0 |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_DRCE_TASKS_DATA_DIR = "data" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_DRCE_TASKS_STATUS_DIR = "log" |
Functional object DRCE errors. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_DRCE = "DRCE_FO_ERR" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_DRCE_INTERNAL_LOG_BEGIN = "\n!!!DRCEFO!!![\n" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_FUNCTIONAL_ERROR_DRCE_INTERNAL_LOG_END = "\n]!!!DRCEFO!!!\n" |
Admin command properties names. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_NAME_LOG = "log" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_NAME_MMODE = "mode" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_HEARTBEAT_DELAY = "hb_delay" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = "hb_timeout" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_HEARTBEAT_MODE = "hb_mode" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_POLL_TIMEOUT = "poll_timeout" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_PROPERTY_INTERVAL = "property_interval" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_DUMP_INTERVAL = "dump_interval" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_ADMIN_PROPERTY_RESOURCES_COLLECTED_SIZE = "collected_size" |
Default drce resources extractor values. | |
const size_t | HCE::handlers::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_THREADS = 1024 |
const size_t | HCE::handlers::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_PROCESSES = 1024 |
const size_t | HCE::handlers::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_DISK_SIZE = 0 |
const size_t | HCE::handlers::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_VRAM_SIZE = 0 |
const size_t | HCE::handlers::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_RRAM_SIZE = 0 |
Default resources usage collected size value. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::RESOURCES_USAGE_COLLECTED_SIZE = 10 |
Default resources usage max allowed range value in percent. | |
const double | HCE::handlers::RESOURCES_USAGE_MAX_ALLOWED_RANGE = 10.0 |
Default log time mark format. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_DEAFULT_TIME_FORMAT = "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s] " |
const int | HCE::handlers::NODE_LOG_DEAFULT_MASK = 8+4+2+1 |
DRCE request error - can't set as new task. | |
const int | HCE::handlers::DRCE_REQUEST_STATE_ERROR_SET_AS_NEW_TASK = 6 |
Get property information parameters. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::PROPERTY_REALTIME_DEFAULT = 1 |
Allowed dump restore default value. | |
const unsigned int | HCE::handlers::DUMP_ALLOWED_RESTORE = 1 |
Dump dir default value. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::DUMP_DIR = "/tmp/hce-node" |
Messages accumulator item. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::NAME = "name" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::CLIENT_IDENTITY = "clientIdentity" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STARTED_AT = "startedAt" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::LOG_PRIORITY = "logPriority" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::INI_FILE = "iniFile" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::CONNECTION_REBUILD_TRIES_MAX = "connectionRebuildTriesMax" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::CONNECTION_REBUILD_TRIES_DELAY = "connectionRebuildTriesDelay" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::CONNECTION_STRING = "connectionString" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::POLL_TIMEOUT = "pollTimeout" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PROPERTY_INTERVAL = "node.property_interval" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DUMP_INTERVAL = "node.dump_interval" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DUMP_ALLOW_RESTORE = "node.dump_allow_restore" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DUMP_DIR = "node.dump_dir" |
For 'Admin'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_TOTAL = "statRequestsTotal" |
For 'RouterServerProxy'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS = "statRequests" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES = "statResponses" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_SIZE = "statRequestsSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_SIZE = "statResponsesSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_PROCESSED = "statRequestsProcessed" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_PROCESSED = "statResponsesProcessed" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_PROCESSED_SIZE = "statRequestsProcessedSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_PROCESSED_SIZE = "statResponsesProcessedSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_QPS = "statQPS" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RPS = "statRPS" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_BANDWIDTH = "statRequestsBandwidth" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_BANDWIDTH = "statResponsesBandwidth" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PSTATS_AT = "pstatsAt" |
For 'DataReducerProxy'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::CLIENTS_NUMBER = "clientsNumber" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::NODE_MODE = "nodeMode" |
For 'DataServerProxy'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_ALG = "node.resources_usage_alg" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_ALG0_WEIGHTS = "node.resources_usage_alg0_weights" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_USAGE_ORDER = "node.resources_usage_order" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_LIMITS = "node.resources_usage_limits" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_COLLECTED_SIZE = "node.resources_usage_collected_size" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::RESOURCES_USAGE_MAX_ALLOWED_RANGE = "node.resources_usage_max_allowed_range" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_THREADS = "drce.drce_resources_extractor_max_threads" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_PROCESSES = "drce.drce_resources_extractor_max_processes" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_DISK_SIZE = "drce.drce_resources_extractor_max_disk_size" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_VRAM_SIZE = "drce.drce_resources_extractor_max_vram_size" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_EXTRACTOR_MAX_RRAM_SIZE = "drce.drce_resources_extractor_max_rram_size" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_CLIENT_REQUESTS = "statClientRequests" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_CLIENT_RESPONSES = "statClientResponses" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_CLIENT_REQUESTS_SIZE = "statClientRequestsSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_CLIENT_RESPONSES_SIZE = "statClientResponsesSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PEREODIC_STAT_CLIENT_REQUESTS = "periodicStatClientRequests" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PEREODIC_STAT_CLIENT_RESPONSES = "periodicStatClientResponses" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PEREODIC_STAT_CLIENT_REQUESTS_SIZE = "periodicStatClientRequestsSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::PEREODIC_STAT_CLIENT_RESPONSES_SIZE = "periodicStatClientResponsesSize" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_QPS_CLIENT = "statQPSClient" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_QPS_SERVER = "statQPSServer" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RPS_CLIENT = "statRPSClient" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RPS_SERVER = "statRPSServer" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_BANDWIDTH_CLIENT = "statRequestsBandwidthClient" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_REQUESTS_BANDWIDTH_SERVER = "statRequestsBandwidthServer" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_BANDWIDTH_CLIENT = "statResponsesBandwidthClient" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_RESPONSES_BANDWIDTH_SERVER = "statResponsesBandwidthServer" |
For 'DataNodeOptions'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::HEARTBEAT_DELAY = "node.hb_delay" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = "node.hb_timeout" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::HEARTBEAT_MODE = "node.hb_mode" |
For 'DataClientProxy'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::HEARTBEAT_AT = "heartbeatAt" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::HEARTBEATED_AT = "heartbeatedAt" |
For 'DataClientData'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DATA_CLIENT_SOCK_MODE = "dataClientSockMode" |
For 'DataProcessorData'. | |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::NODE_NAME = "nodeName" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::NODE_NUMBER = "node.number" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DATA_PROCESSING_MODE = "node.data_processing_mode" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DATA_PROCESSING_FAKE_RESULTS = "node.data_processing_fake_results" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DATA_PROCESSING_FAKE_RESULTS_MAX = "node.data_processing_fake_max_results" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_SPHINX_REQUESTS_SEARCH = "statSphinxRequestsSearch" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_SPHINX_REQUESTS_ADMIN = "statSphinxRequestsAdmin" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_SPHINX_TIME_TOTAL_SEARCH = "statSphinxTimeTotalSearch" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_SPHINX_TIME_TOTAL_ADMIN = "statSphinxTimeTotalAdmin" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_DRCE_REQUESTS = "statDRCERequests" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::STAT_DRCE_TIME_TOTAL = "statDRCETimeTotal" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_HOME_DIR = "sphinx.home_dir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_DEFAULT_INDEX = "sphinx.default_index" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_START_SEARCHD = "sphinx.start_searchd" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_STOP_SEARCHD = "sphinx.stop_searchd" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_RANKER = "sphinx.ranker" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_RANKER_EXPRESSION = "sphinx.ranker_expression" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_INDEX_NAME = "sphinx.indexName" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_SEARCHD_HOST = "sphinx.searchdHost" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_SEARCHD_PORT = "sphinx.searchdPort" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_TIMEOUTED_REQUESTS = "sphinx.timeoutedRequests" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_NODE_NUMBER = "sphinx.nodeNumber" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::SPHINX_NODE_NAME = "sphinx.nodeName" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_HOME_DIR = "drce.home_dir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASKS_DATA_DIR = "drce.tasks_data_dir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASKS_STATUS_DIR = "drce.tasks_status_dir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_NODE_HOST = "drce.node_host" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_NODE_PORT = "drce.node_port" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_MAX_THREADS = "drce.max_threads" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASKS_QUEUE_DUMP_PERIOD = "drce.tasks_queue_dump_period" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCES_MONITOR_PERIOD = "drce.resources_monitor_period" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_STATE_NOTIFICATION_HOST = "drce.state_notification_host" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_STATE_NOTIFICATION_PORT = "drce.state_notification_port" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_STATE_NOTIFICATION_RESET_ERROR_CODE = "drce.state_notification_reset_error_code" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_ENV_VARS = "drce.env_vars" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_NODE_NAME = "drce.nodeName" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASK_DATA_DIR = "tasksDataDir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASK_STATUS_DIR = "tasksStatusDir" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_MAX_THREAD_COUNT = "maxThreadCount" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_TASK_QUEUE_DUMP_PERIOD = "tasksQueueDumpPeriod" |
const std::string | HCE::handlers::properties::DRCE_RESOURCE_MONITOR_TIME_PERIOD = "resourceMonitorTimePeriod" |
const std::string | HCE::DRCE_FAKE_RESPONSE = "}]" |
HCE project handler_types definitions. Contains general common definitions of types and constants for any kind of handlers.
Definition in file HandlerTypes.hpp.